Red Hat Summit 2016 Day 0

Red Hat Summit 2016 Day 0

The first day is a bit of a wash for me agenda-wise: it's POWER TRAINING day, and since I'm not POWER TRAINING, that doesn't leave me a lot to do other than wander around San Francisco and check out the developer aanouncements (neither of which are techinally part of RHS). Two that are quite relevant to my interests:

  • The release of a new GC policy for the OpenJDK. It's interesting partly because new GC for managed languages are always interesting (at least if you care about them running better, anyway), and partly because it's the first time I can think of where OpenJDK community have made such a major change independent of Sun/Oracle.
  • The release of JBoss 7 has a lot around making it leaner and more container-friendly, which would indicate Red Hat don't want to see a major product line's lunch get eaten by trends like SpringBoot and Oracle's troubling stewardship.
  • Microsoft presented the formally supported release of .NET and SQL Server for Linux, shown running in OpenShift containers. Which falls solidly into being a Whole New World[1].

  1. There's something more than a little surreal about seeing Microsoft on the partners exhibition floor, showing as a Technology and Business partner of Red Hat. ↩︎