Postgresql's array_agg()

A common problem when pulling data out of databases is flattening rows into columns, or even into a single field. Sometimes the Right Thing to do is a pivot table, but this isn’t always true.

I hit one of those cases when writing some code to migrate from serendipity into pelican. Serendipity has a fairly sane relational datamodel, which means there are many-to-many mappings for tag attributes, thusly:

id title author date text
1 Article 1 Author A Yesterday Text
2 Article 2 Author A Yesterday Text
articleid tag
1 tag1
1 tag2
1 tag3
2 tag1
2 tag4
2 tag5

For my result set my ideal output would look something like:

Title Author Date Tags Text
Article 1 Author A Yesterday tag1,tag2,tag3 Text
Article 2 Author A Today tag1,tag4,tag5 Text

…but this is fairly annoying to achieve with multi-way join between the tables containing the relevant information. This tends to lead into various awful ways of achieving this.

Except it tuns out I’ve been doing it wrong.

Postgresql offers the very handy function array_agg(), which collapses rows into an array. Wrapping this in array_to_string() and you have output that looks like exactly what I want, thus:

select title,
  to_timestamp(timestamp) as date,
    select array_to_string(array_agg(category_name), ',')
    from  serendipity_category c,
     serendipity_entrycat ec
    where  c.categoryid = ec.categoryid and = ec.entryid
  ) as category,
    select array_to_string(array_agg(tag), ',')
    from  serendipity_entrytags t1
    where t1.entryid =
  ) as tags,
  'archives/' || || '-' || replace(e.title, ' ', '-') as slug,
  a.realname as Author,
from  serendipity_authors a,
  serendipity_entries e
where  e.authorid = a.authorid

While it’s not necessary the most performant solution, it’s perfect for one-shot migrations like this.
