Selena Deckelmann
“Which Databases Solve My Problem?”
Talking about the right open-source tool for the job.
- BerkleyDB - 1980s, one of the originals.
- PostgreSQL - started in the 80s, open-sourced in the 90s.
- SQLite.
Now there are about 50 open source databases with active communities, code updates, one was announced during linuxconf.
So many choices - which to use.
MySQL vs PostgreSQL
It’s the perennial question. The answer is, well, what are you trying to solve?
- Store and manipulate GIS data: PostgreSQL
- My blog? Probably default to MySQL.
- I have ONE BEELLION users to store and analyse data from: you may be in the custom world.
PostgreSQL: A replacement for Oracle is one problem they want to solve.
Things to think about.
Performance: the top of a lot of lists. Use your use case and test with real data. Benchmarks aren’t that great.
Interoperability: How do you get data in, out, shake it all about.
Sustainable: You don’t want your DB project to die and stick you with a dead product.
There is no one true solution. Selena thinks that mixed database solutions will be a part of the future.
The Survey
- Wasn’t perfect.
- 12 responses, 25 people.
- Will probably use a pro to help survey in the future.
Means of comparison:
- DB model: what do you do, how do you structure your data
- Features
- Development Style
OLTP vs embedded vs column (data warehouses) vs MPP (Massively parallel)
- Embedded: H2, HSQLDB, SQLite and many Java DBs.
- Column-store: Monet, LucidDB, C-store/Vertica
Flatfile, key-value (map-reduce, fault tolerance, caching), multi-value, graph/tri-graph (relationship oriented), document-oriented (semi-structured data).
- key-value: Berkley, Cassandra, Hbase, memcached, riak, redis, TokyoCabinet
- Graph: neo4j, 4store, Parliament
- Document: CouchDb, BerkleyDB-XML, MongoDB
There’s gotta be a collapse in the key-value space. There’s a bajillion DBs all doing the same thing.
Infrastructure Features
- Partitioning/Sharding: Cassandra/Hbase/Voldemort/Riak/MySSQL
- Replication: BerkleyDB/CouchDB/Cassandra/MySQL/PostgreSQL/Riak/Scalaris/Voldemort/HyperTable/Hbase/Memcached/MNesia
There’s many ways to do replication.
Memory vs Disk
- In-memory: memcache, scalris, redis
- Configurable: casandra, hbase, hypertable, MNesia
- Disk: everyone else
Relational DBs don’t as a rule support even hybrid models. Think it will be a requirement for the future.
High Availability
Nodefailover: Cassandra, HBase, Riak
Currently something people want, but SQL DBs require lots of admin work to achieve currently. Needs to be easier.
- Core + Modules: Drizzle, LucidDB, PostgreSQL
- Monolithic: GT.M, Ingres, CUBRID
- Infrastructure: Memcached, Redis, Scalaris
Hard to model; Core + Modules is about having a sold core and lots in contrib, with open interaction.
Monoliths want to own it all, extrude a feature set periodically, often resistent to outside contribution.
Infrastructure: Intended to be wedged in as middleware. Clear APIs, protocols are critical.
Redis is like memcached, but can distribute across systems, but is incomptabile with memcached’s protocols.
Community Model
Benevolent Dictator: Redis, XtraDB, MckoiDDB
Feature Driven: Derby, InfiniDB
Small Group: CouchDB, MonetDB
Mixed: LucidDB, Drizzle, H2, Pg
Dictator typically are smaller devleopment groups.
Feature driven are driven my external (commercial, user) requests; typically don’t have a strong vision, nothing to inspire developers.
Small groups tend to be long-running, sometimes ex-commercial, with a longstanding core of developers.
Selena feels it’s a progression, the models change as they mature.
You can see the survey results online. Would like to publish to wikipedia, but their publishing model is high-impedence.
More in touch, more help from experts in the survery field.
Interesting things
- Some projects are implementing one another’s protocols; e.g. H2 like Pg, and wants to be compatible, but wants to be in Java, and is a drop-in replacement from a protocol perspective.
- Sphinx chooses to implement the MySQL protocol.
Verification needs to happen in this space; memcapable is a tool to do this for memcached, but they don’t exist for other protocols.
Proper regression suites for complex cases like replication are quite critical; there’s a scarcity of tools. Pg are doing more replication and finding testing is a challenge.
There needs to be more contact between projects; Selena is concerned that the Java world seems cut off from the Db world, for example.
Databases talking to each other: e.g. Thrift with ThruDB is the future of talking to DBs efficicently and managing cross-Db conversations better.
- SQL dialects: Not really an interesting question, convergance is happening.
- What’s the die-off rate? Relational SQL DBs are mostly forks that are living forever. Ones that have died is harder-to-find information, but the rate seems low, maybe 3 or 4.
- Are there signs of consolidation? It’s still a long way off. Releases of papers by Amazon have spawned a lot of activity for new DBs where companies have rolled-their-own and open sourced their own solutions. We’ll see if problem sets are similar enough to encourage merges.
- What’s the biggest/most amusing/fun project with an open source DB you’ve done? Helped implement a cowscii module in PostgreSQL, or maybe Nigera. A state government wanted to go open source, and they wanted to invite people to help. Went as a guest of the state, armed guards, driving trips, a week with some local developers who’d mostly worked with .NET tools, discuss how to use Pg, interact with the community. Will be used to drive community welfare projects.
- Were lots dual-licensed? Yep. Mostly to drive funding. In light of current events, maybe that’s not suc a good idea.
- Talked to many of the MySQL forks; MySQL itself isn’t working as a community project any more, and that’s why we have all those forks. As an experiment in open-source development they seem ot have failed, but the forks live on.