There's stupid, and there's stupid...

More than a quarter of babies born in Britain have at least one foreign-born parent, it emerged this week, up from just over a fifth in 2000. It is a striking statistic that in some quarters, predictably, provoked alarm. “Many people simply don’t understand how this could have happened without anyone being consulted,” Sir Andrew Green, chair of the rightwing anti-immigration group Migration Watch - source

What, so if I were to be mad enough to move to the UK and have kids, I should ask around the local Daily Torygraph readers, BNP, and other assorted groups of racists, and see whether I’m allowed to have them?

I know that political extremists are often secretly raging kinksters, but I hadn’t realised wanting all the sordid details on their neighbours sex lives was high on the list of priorities…

I can see it now. Showing up at the local community meeting and asking men with pictures of Enoch Powell and Mosley on their walls, “Look, the wife and I want to bareback tonight, any objections?”
