
LCA 2019 Day 2

The usual pleas for huddling are aired to a room full people who can't bear to sit too close to one another, apparently. We open with minders of the usual business

LCA 2019 Day 1

LCA is in Christchurch this year; the location in Christchurch dovetails nicely with the stereotypes, being flat, open, and full of creeks and nice gardens and parks. Christchurch scores in the swag department:

Kiwicon 11 Day 2 Afternoon

Tracking the Watchers: Practical Tooling Paul McMillan We are going to build a map of radio systems in your city - this is a work in progress, so if you want to use

Kiwicon 11 Day 2 Morning

Last night was rounded out nicely by a visit to the Library, which offered a civilised volume, a nice mocktail, and some delicious cheeses. What more could a man ask for? Well, I

Kiwicon 11 Day 1 Afternoon

After a nice lunch at Husk (dirty fries and a very nice chocolate malt stout, in case you're wondering), we're back into it. Lessons from game consoles and the